Record Clearance Project students come from a range of majors and backgrounds; a majority are the first in their families to go to college. They are motivated to use their education to assist others. Following graduation, they bring the understanding and experience they gain through their work with the RCP to careers in law, social services, government, law enforcement, tech, higher education and beyond.

Artistic Freedom: The Liberating Art of the Formerly Incarcerated
In case you missed the first art exhibition “Artistic Freedom: The Liberating Art of the Formerly Incarcerated” in February 2024, plans for a second one are in the works! Like the first exhibit at the Martin Luther King Library, the work of some Record Clearance Project clients will be on display. Stay tuned to learn the date of the upcoming reception.

Meritorious Service Award from the College of Social Sciences
Congratulations to Peggy Stevenson who received the Meritorious Service Award from the College of Social Sciences in May 2024! Shown here with Dean Anne Marie Todd (L) and Justice Studies Dept Chair Paul Knepper.
The Exponential Impact of Expungement
Staff members Diana Carreras and Omar Arauza are featured in 菠菜网lol正规平台's newly designed Washington Square Magazine! Both give their perspectives on their involvement with the Record Clearance Project and explain the long-lasting impact on students and clients.
RCP on the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Newsroom
菠菜网lol正规平台’s Julia Halprin Jackson spoke to RCP students and staff and wrote about how the program’s impact provides hope and opportunities to those involved.
South County Reentry Center expands hours
Staff member Stacy Quezada is pictured in the expansion of resources for those who recently released
Since its establishment...
The RCP has a 99% success rate in clearing people’s records when a court hearing is required and has removed over $130,000 in court debt on clients' behalf.
Founded at 菠菜网lol正规平台 in 2008...
The RCP is powered by people who recognize the harm inflicted by the criminal legal system. Since most RCP clients are people of color, this work aims to undo the discriminatory impact caused by the legal system through an anti-racist lens that seeks to empower our communities.

菠菜网lol正规平台 Record Clearance Project - Teaching Legal Skills Classes in Custody
Join RCP in making a difference TODAY as we are fundraising to bring week-long legal rights classes (in English and Spanish) to those in custody, enabling them to gain skills and knowledge helpful in moving forward with their lives.Every contribution -- big or small -- helps RCP reach its goal. Thank you!